Below you will find a listing of all of our carriers we work with to make sure we find the best solutions for you specific coverage needs. Many carriers offer online service & payment options and select carriers are available 24/7. If you have a specific insurance question, please do not hesitate to call us at (918) 855-1222, submit a contact request, or email us directly at [email protected].
Not all claims can wait for normal hours.
Feel free to contact the carrier directly to submit a claim or contact us as soon as possible during regular business hours.
Insurance products offered through our carriers:
- Auto
- Home
- Boat
- Landlord
- Renters
- Motorcycle
- RV
- Manufactured Home
- Condominium
- Special Event
- Commercial Auto
- General Liability
- Excess Liability
- Inland Marine
Carrier Information and Contact:

American Modern Home Insurance Group
Support:(800) 543-2644
Claims:(800) 375-2075
Quotes:(866) 880-8651
Support:(800) 543-2644
Claims:(800) 375-2075
Quotes:(866) 880-8651

Lloyd’s of London
Illinois Branch: (312) 407-6200
Kentucky Branch: (502) 875 5940
Texas Branch: (212) 382-4060
Illinois Branch: (312) 407-6200
Kentucky Branch: (502) 875 5940
Texas Branch: (212) 382-4060

Personal Purchased Insurance Inquiries: (800) 638-5433
Employer Purchased Insurance Inquiries: (800) 438-6388
Business Services: (877) 638-2862
Personal Purchased Insurance Inquiries: (800) 638-5433
Employer Purchased Insurance Inquiries: (800) 438-6388
Business Services: (877) 638-2862

Northland Insurance Group
Minnesota Branch: (800) 237-9334
Connecticut Branch: (800) 842-9914
Claims: (800) 328-5972
Minnesota Branch: (800) 237-9334
Connecticut Branch: (800) 842-9914
Claims: (800) 328-5972

Individual Assistance: (800) 754-0481
Individual Claims: (800) 252-4633
Business Billing Questions: (800) 252-2268
Business Claim: (800) 238-6225
Individual Assistance: (800) 754-0481
Individual Claims: (800) 252-4633
Business Billing Questions: (800) 252-2268
Business Claim: (800) 238-6225